Hope Through Business

John Nellis • May 15, 2024

On 12th October 2023 we held the latest meeting of Hope Against Cancer’s business club in the stunning setting of the Leicester Racecourse.

The club 'Hope through Business' was started in 2014 and over the years the generosity, kindness, and support of businesses in Leicestershire and Rutland has made a substantial impact on the research and treatment of cancer locally, and improved the outcomes for families all over our area.

This year we heard from guest speakers Alice Greaves and Alice's oncologist Professor Samreen Ahmed. Together they told the story of Alice's journey from both the poignant perspective of a 23-year-old diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, and from the brilliant consultant who led her care.


Alice, who, incredibly, was speaking to us just six weeks after a double mastectomy, has embarked on a mission to get both women and men to check their breasts and to 'know your normal' in terms of your own size and shape. This is done through her infectious personality in person and through the growing Instagram channel: ifanyonecanalicecan, where she shares a very personal experience that has connected with, and helped many.

Alongside her treatment Alice has done so much for breast cancer awareness and raised thousands for cancer research and yet, when introducing her oncologist, Professor Ahmed, Alice described her as the 'superwoman'. In return Professor Ahmed told us of how awed she was by Alice in a clear sign of the pairs’ immense mutual appreciation and respect.

Professor Ahmed reminded us of the importance of local charities like Hope who work so hard for the benefit of local people.

She went on to talk of the impact of cancer trials and research such as the ongoing development of blood tests which can track the DNA a cancer tumour sheds into the bloodstream.

Hope through Business is a major contributor to the research that has helped Alice and the ongoing work of Professor Ahmed, and this event was a wonderful collaboration of businesses who are directly helping to improving the lives of people in Leicestershire and Rutland, and beyond.

The Hope Cancer Trials centre is able to make a real difference locally and wouldn’t exist without all the greatly appreciated support shown to our local charity.

By John Nellis 06 Sep, 2024
On 1 st September thousands of runners took part in the London Big Half Marathon. Among the crowds were 18 incredible people taking part to raise money for Hope Against Cancer. The 13.1 mile course took the runners on a journey across London starting at Tower Bridge and ending at the iconic Cutty Sark in Greenwich. The event began at 8.25am with the start of the elite wheelchair race. This was closely followed by the elite runners and then the first mass wave. Dame Kelly Holmes led the elite runners off the start line. HOPE’s own Corporate and Community Partnerships Manager, Tim Gorman-Powell, ran in elite group A… Tim said, “I’m not sure how or why I found myself in that group but I enjoyed running alongside the best of the best for the short time I did so!” The sun was shining and spirits were high. The atmosphere was amazing as thousands of friends and family roared on the 10,000+ runners through the streets of London. The finish line was packed with spectators and reverberated to the loud music playing over the PA system. Tim concludes that it was “an incredible event from start to finish, with a great atmosphere and a beautiful route through the capital.” The HOPE runners not only raised thousands for cancer research and trials support but they also had a wonderful day. Here is some of their feedback: "It was a pleasure to run the Big Half in aid of Hope Against Cancer with a wonderful amount of money raised so far!" "I can't put it into words, it was so hot and hard but I LOVED IT!! Thank you so much for this amazing experience" "Great day running in London for Hope Against Cancer" "Enjoyable day in the capital with a great group of people all running for Hope Against Cancer. I even set a new half marathon PB!!!" We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone that made the trip to support Hope Against Cancer and life changing cancer research and clinical trials here in Leicestershire and Rutland.
By John Nellis 24 Jul, 2024
A Hope Against Cancer Press Release
By John Nellis 06 Jun, 2024
We recently sat down with Hope’s longest serving volunteer Dorothy Tomlinson to talk a little bit about her time with the charity.
A man wearing glasses and a blue shirt is smiling for the camera.
By John Nellis 15 May, 2024
I believe that my experience with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia) was fairly typical. It all began with an insurance policy blood test which showed a slightly raised white blood cell count that I needed to discuss with my GP. A referral to Leicester Royal Infirmary led to a diagnosis of CLL in July 2019. ‘A classic case’ the consultant said. I was 73 and it was a diagnosis by chance rather than by symptoms. The CLL was not that advanced and the doctors told me that there was no advantage to early treatment for this particular form of cancer. I was given reams of literature about the disease, which included plenty of optimistic comments about the success rates of the latest treatment, and I was put on Watch and Wait status. I soon learned that this is more realistically called Watch and Worry… I was also likely to be more prone to infection, and with COVID just around the corner, I became socially ultra cautious. I watched and I waited for three years, with blood tests every three months and ongoing discussions with my excellent consultant Dr Allchin. Dr Allchin was very clear about how the disease was progressing, realistic, but positive nevertheless. It was particularly helpful that my wife was able to attend all the sessions and that I could record them on my phone. In Autumn 2022 the tests revealed that it was time to start my treatment and I was given all the information I needed to make my own decision. I had two options. For me it was either take tablets for the rest of my life or a one-year treatment that would involve hospital visits. I chose the one year 'targeted therapy’ option. This is one of the new cancer treatments that research by centres such as the Hope Cancer Trials Centre has made possible. To begin I was given monthly infusions at the Osborne Day Centre at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. The nurses were superb, and the atmosphere was positive. This lasted approximately 6 months and while I was very tired for much of the time, there were not too many side effects. The treatment does affect your immune system so, in normal circumstances I would have needed to minimise social mixing, but the impact of COVID was having a similar effect anyway. The other part of my treatment was tablet-based which built to a crescendo of four large pills every day for ten months. This overlapped with the infusions, so that it was all completed within the same year. I received regular support from my consultant, from my CLL nurses (Sarah and Tina), from the Osborne Clinic nurses, and from the 24/7 Haematology helpline, and all this at an incredibly difficult time for every part of the NHS. My targeted therapy, which both enabled my immune system to recognise and fight the cancer, and attacked the disease itself, is a massive improvement on the earlier invasive treatments. To me, this clearly shows the progress made in cancer therapy thanks to research by organisations like Hope against Cancer. It was obvious how expensive all this is, especially as improvements are made in the effectiveness of treatment. Fundraising is a vital element in making these improvements possible. After I was told I was in remission I wanted to show my gratitude for the support I received at the LRI and donated to Hope Against Cancer to help support the incredible work of the Hope Cancer Trials Centre.
By John Nellis 15 May, 2024
On 4th November, Leicester Racecourse held its newly revamped fireworks festival with live music, magic, a funfair and two impressive firework displays (one for children and a later one for adults). As the racecourse’s 2023 charity of the year Hope was provided with hospitality space in the boxes and Club room for which we sold tickets. It was a great space where our guests were then able to base themselves for the event. There was food provided by the racecourse and shelter from the intermittent rain both inside and from the covered balcony beyond. The Hope hospitality area had the finest view available that night with the firework display being set up in the track U-bend directly in front of us. Opening at 4, heavy clouds seemed to give way to patches of light blue and spots of red sky on one side, while remaining dark on the other. This was the way the weather went throughout the night, sometimes rain, sometimes not. Fortunately for all, when it did rain it didn’t last too long and it didn’t seem to dull the crowd's enthusiasm for the myriad of entertainment laid on by the racecourse. Looking out from the grandstand on the falling night it was anything but dark. In front was a well-lit stage for the live acts, and, later on, Fun House superstar, and DJ, Pat Sharp! Over to the right was the bright funfair with dodge-ums, and many a spiraling, scream inducing ride. And everywhere else there were children, and probably more than a few adults, swinging multi-coloured glowing sticks and swords. Behind the stand there were carts of food which filled the air with the beautiful smells of spices, burgers, fried onions, salt, vinegar and chips. Alongside these stood stalls selling jewellery, Christmas cards, sweets and much more. Some amazing Hope volunteers also ran a stall selling items alongside a very popular tombola of generously donated items. Other intrepid volunteers braved the weather and roamed the site in hi-vis Hope tops carrying collection buckets. And then there was the children’s area located near the winner's circle. A riot of laughter tumbled from various bouncy castles, the face painting area, and the magic show. At 7.30, Hope staff members, Barbara and Tim, took to the stage to introduce us to the crowd, to thank them for their support and to wish everyone a good night. And then the first display began. Purples, oranges, greens, reds, and blues fanned out into the sky and finished to a surge of applause from the captivated crowd. The second display, a few hours later, was even more impressive and provided a fine crescendo to a wonderful, and productive year for Hope Against Cancer as Leicester Racecourse’s charity of the year. The event would not have been possible without the huge efforts of Lucy, who stood by the front gate for many hours ensuring that our guests were identified and knew where to go, Barbara and Tim who were everywhere else helping our guests and volunteers, the incredible volunteers themselves - Matteo, Will, Dorothy, Julie, Charlotte, Lizz and Sally - and the brilliant racecourse team. 
By Mash Patel 15 May, 2024
On Saturday 30th September, 8 friends from Whetstone’s Vipers RFC overcame lost sunglasses, an angry swan, getting lodged on a weir and a lot of inexperience to complete a gruelling 41-mile sponsored kayak from Northampton to Leicester in aid of the Leicester based cancer research charity Hope Against Cancer. The group, Matt Salmon, Lee Simmons, Nathan Smith, Wes Cartwright, Sam Fitzpatrick, Tom Clowes, Arran Caddy and Liam King, set off from Nether Hayford at 4am, finishing at Kilby Bridge at 6.25pm. 41 miles is a long walk and would be considered by many to be a ludicrously long run. To do this distance in a kayak where every meter forward is propelled by the upper body is considered to be the equivalent effort of running an ultra-marathon. It was an extraordinary undertaking. Across those 41 miles lie 41 locks. At each one the boats needed to be lifted from the water and walked along the bank before being returned to the river further up. When they first started to prepare at the Leicestershire Paddlesports and Outdoor Club, Paddle Plus, the Chair, Shaun Monkman, was highly amused by the ambition of the plan, particularly as the group had no previous experience in a kayak. Nevertheless, he saw something in their undeterred determination and was quickly on the phone to his colleague Mark Beasley who helped organise training, guidance, support and all the necessary equipment. Nathan Smith said, “it is fair to say that we wouldn’t have come close to completing the challenge without Paddle Plus”. There was also on-the-day support from seven friends in a support vehicle and from members of Vipers RFC Colts who helped them navigate the many, many locks! They chose to raise money for Hope Against Cancer because the charity is close to their hearts, helping one of their mothers through her battle with cancer. His father said “without Hope I wouldn’t have a wife, and my son and his sister wouldn’t have a mother and our 11 grandchildren wouldn’t have a great nana.” It is not the first time the group has made incredible efforts to support Hope Against Cancer. In 2018 they walked 100 miles from Blady to Norfolk! They raised £3415 in the process. Leading the expedition, Matt initially told Hope Against Cancer, “it is our hope our stubbornness to succeed will override our lack of kayaking experience!” In the end, it certainly did. They walked away without injury, just a lot of aches and pains, and a large amount of money for their chosen charity. They have so far raised £8556, but not all donations have been gathered and they expect to have a final figure of over £9000. This money will go towards cutting edge cancer research and treatment, helping families right here in Leicestershire and Rutland If you would like to help them further this amount, the group’s Just Giving page is still available: Matt Salmon is fundraising for Hope Against Cancer (justgiving.com)
By John Nellis 15 May, 2024
This year is Hope Against Cancer’s 20th anniversary and over that time we have had the honour of being supported by some truly remarkable people, doing some amazing things, but this dad and daughter adventure has to be one of the most ambitious yet! Laura and David, a local dad and daughter team have set out to ride their motorbikes the entire length of the Americas, from Alaska to Argentina, a journey of 19’000 miles, all in the name of Hope. They set out on 12th August for Alaska, are riding Royal Enfield “Himalayan” bikes, and expect the trip to take around nine months. Along the way they are speaking to the local people and raising both money and awareness for the vital cancer research being conducted here in the Midlands, including how the discoveries made through the investigations funded by Hope, benefit cancer patients both here in Leicestershire and Rutland, and world-wide. We have already started to see donations sent to our website in dollars. David has decades of motorbike experience having previously toured Europe, Australia and East Africa, but Laura has only had a full motorbike licence for 18 months. In fact, the furthest Laura has ridden before setting out on this trip is 180 miles from Leicestershire to Wales! Like many others, the family has been touched by cancer with Laura’s Mum having had lymphoma and both her grandmothers passing away due to bowel and breast cancer. Laura says that “we chose the route because the full length was open to overland travel. It's a well-trodden path that goes through some beautiful countries. What could possibly go wrong?!” You can follow the adventure on Instagram @lauraridesbikes and here on our website as we hear updates from this incredible team. If you would like to donate to Laura, you can do so on the website or via their JustGiving Page
By Eazi Business 16 Sep, 2021
Hope Against Cancer has been awarded a place as a beneficiary charity of Charitable Travel’s 2021 More to Explore, Malta Campaign. When you book a holiday or cruise with Charitable Travel, they sacrifice travel agency commission so that the customer can make a free 5% donation to a charity of their choice.
By Eazi Business 04 May, 2021
Rufus and his friends are cycling over 200 miles from the Thames Estuary to Burnham on Sea in Somerset in just one day to raise money for Hope Against Cancer in memory of Chris Morgan who sadly passed away in January after a two year battle with leukaemia
By Eazi Business 29 Jan, 2021
The Hope Cancer Trials Centre has re-opened at Leicester’s Hospitals, following a circa £1.5 million expansion. As you may know, this facility gives patients opportunities to trial new medicines to treat a range of cancers.
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